
Fox vs Loki

First commission of 2015. Starfox versus Loki. Pen and copic marker on card stock. 8.5×11.

Hello Kay Aya Lan

Done for a friend’s novel. Hello kitty versions of three characters in the book. Inks scanned in and coloured in photoshop.

Hello Talfyr

Hello Talfyr Done for a friend’s novel. Hello kitty version of the main dragon. Inks scanned in, coloured in photoshop.

Psy Psy Psy coloured

Psy Psy Psy. Psylocke (from the X-Men) and Psyduck (from Pokemon) doing Psy’s Gangnam Style dance. July 2014 – Pen and marker on card stock. 8.5×11

Long overdue post – Here be Monsters!

It’s been forever since I updated this bad-boy. So here you go…

These are re-designed Toho monster images I did at the tail-end of 2014 for a friend of mine. 36 different monsters, or kaiju as they call them in Japan. Some are very recognizable as Godzilla and his friends. Others I thought could use a more stylish update.

New Toho designs 1

New Toho designs 4

New Toho designs 3

New Toho designs 2